Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Deconstruction of a Double Page Spread The Vaccines

·         Are columns used?
·         How many? Why?
·         How are the images organised? Why?
·         How are headlines and sub-headlines placed? Used? Why?
·         Any straplines used? Why?
·         Any layering? Effect? Why?
·         What part does colour play in organising the page? How?
·         Connotations of any/ all of the above??
In this double page spread inside of an issue of NME, the article is about The Vaccines. There is articles yes ad there are two. The reason of this is because this is the sufficient amount of text for the target audience. The images are organised to the left hand side of the double page spread and this is very common on double page spreads because when you open a page, as you turn a page on a magazine you look to see what the article is and who it is about. So having an image there is useful. The headlines are as you would think placed on the right hand side with less of the page taken up by text than image. The headline being placed at the top right and the sub heading being placed directly below it.  There is one strapline used “we are a pop band and we want to be a pop band” and this is an important quote as he is expressing what he wants out of the music industry and this would interest fans. The colour stresses that the type of music they are, the colours are sort of dull and plain, which can indicate that they are an indie band.
·         Photographs? Why?
·         Illustrations? Why?
·         Mixture of both? Why?
·         Images of males? Females? Both? Why?
·         Images of objects? What? Why?
·         Images of celebrities? Why?
·         Image or text led? Why?
·         Captions? Why are they used?
·         Whose POV does the article assume?
The photographs on this double page spread are here to engage the audience by the band, The Vaccines having direct gaze with the reader, and this makes the band seem easier to connect with and that the fans/audience feel like they can connect with them. There are no illustrations and the reason for this is that they are not needed. There is only images of males in the photograph and the reason for this is because is there are no females in the band. The only objects in the photograph and the guitar and bass the front and right band member are holding, the reason they are holding these are that it informs the readers who plays what instruments. The celebrities on the photograph is the band, they are the only ones the double page spread. There are no captions for the images. The double page spread is image led.
·         Typeface – size? Case? Font?
·         Punctuation?
·         Screamers?
·         Vocabulary – specialist? Sensationalist? Field specific? Examples?
·         Register?? Colloquial? Formal? Slang?
·         Humour?/ Double meanings??
·         Alliteration? Assonance?
·         Puns?
·         Other language features?
·         Connotations of above?

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